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Website Everything in me
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Team work makes the dream work 

Creating a song project is a process.

In 2017, I wrote a song entitled 'Everything in me.' It's another song that emphasizes my personal journey. It's been an interesting process creating this songs as it's taken different shapes and forms. With the assistance of Danielle Clarke, Bentley Noble, Annie Parkes, Precious Brooks, Jessica Grizzle & Miquel Spooner assisted me with restructuring the original song. Thank you so much. 













Despite Covid 19 I've been able to work with a choir in Ghana. I have created a different rendition of this song but at some point I will return to the original.  See the video for a brief preview of the song in it's current format. 

I humbly thank Emmanuel from Ghana for his teams rendition in the revised melody. 

Everything in me Ruf mix(2) (1)Artist Name
00:00 / 05:03

Use your gift It's a blessing!

Whoever you are , where ever you are, you're special. You were born for greatness and you were born with purpose. 


Be it in a song, in your lyrics, in your poems, in your music, in your words, you have a voice, speak  your truth and own your creativity. It's in you. 

God placed it there!

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